Chris and Karla

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Hello friend!

Welcome to NEW2DAD. I’m Chris.

The short story

My partner Karla and I are expecting our first little one early next year! Woohoo! 

NEW2DAD is my way of documenting my experience and sharing it with other first-time dads who might want some help and support.

The longer story

There aren’t that many resources out there for expecting dads. One quick YouTube search about anything parenting and baby related, and there’s very few dads, especially Latino or dad’s of color.

Maybe I’m just totally new to this and am recreating the wheel, but if that’s the case, I want to create my own thing. I want to create the content that I’ve been looking for. What does that include?

Pregnancy from the dad’s point of view

More importantly, how can we support our pregnant partner better? What are some things to keep in mind as your partner goes through insane physical and mental changes? And how can we better deal with our own mental changes (believe, there are some). I want to share what we went through before, during and after childbirth from a dad’s point of view.

Review all the baby gear

I’m a techie and nerd at heart, so being able to review and experience the world of baby gear has me pumped.

Finally, I just want you to know that you are not alone. 

The internet is a pretty neat place where you can meet similar minded people and create awesome online communities.

If what I’m doing sounds interesting to you, follow me on Twitter & Instagram, subscribe to my YouTube channel, join the NEW2DAD email list and let’s get this thing going!



